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Awarded Best Indie Rapper 2020, Flower Child of Galaxy 9 Productions

Interview by Full Bloom Magazine Media Rep Ahmed Childs

On a bright, sunny Sunday afternoon in February, I was charged with the task of asking questions for an interview. Interviews are something I do on a regular basis. I've been doing them for some time now. What I was unaware of was, this was not just an interview I was about to conduct. I was about to be enlightened, uplifted and given a Southern music and history lesson. Enter, the soulfully  multi-talented Dallas, Texas based artist Flower Child.

Originally born in Nashville, Tennessee, Flower Child has been in living a life of music since birth. Her mother was a Classical piano teacher at the acclaimed Julliard School in New York. Her grandfather was a Music Professor at Grambling State University. These were some of her personal influences who helped get the wheels turning on her musical journey. At an early age, Flower Child was penning poems and even produced a concert at her church. This was truly just the beginning.

As a young evolving artist Flower Child moved from Nashville to Dallas, Texas. After some time in Dallas she moved to Wilmington, North Carolina for her high school years. While in Wilmington she attended Emsley A. Laney High School. The same school as NBA legend Michael Jordan. This time in high school brought fresh new artistic expressions. At this point, Flower Child is "always performing" in "dance and theater" as well as "beatboxing in high school talent shows.'

By the time she was 18, "around 2014, 15 or 16" Flower Child was given brotherly advice by her soon to be Galaxy 9 Productions team member Tony Ballard, "You need to take this more serious." Within a short while, Flower Child would meet multi-platinum selling and Grammy Award winning producer Jah Born.

Jah Born is noted for his stellar production on Erykah Badu's classic debut album "Baduizm" amongst others he has produced. The meeting would take place at an open mic that Jah Born started where Flower Child just so happened be an employee. This would be the part where we say "and the rest is history" but wait! There's so much more!

Galaxy 9 Productions consists of producers Jah Born, Tony Ballard, Billy Syn along with Flower as their artist. With commitment, solid advice and seasoned producers of the Galaxy 9 Productions team, Flower Child has gone from open mics to opening shows for the likes of legendary MCs such as Slick Rick, Yo-Yo and Masta Ace to name a few. Galaxy 9 produces music as well as shows. This has afforded Flower Child the opportunity to tour with Rza and Wu Tang Clan "for  about a year." Flower Child recently announced she will be on an upcoming tour with Rah Digga for her "Dirty Harriet 20th Anniversary" Tour.

Amidst the schedule of touring, Flower Child, who is a single mom, has been recording her "first body of work "All Things Floral" in multiple weekly sessions at her homebase Valley Of The Kings Studios. The blessing of motherhood is that Flower Child gets to take her daughter with her when traveling and share her experience "hands on." Since time is precious and experience is the best teacher, the daughter of a Classical Piano teacher and granddaughter of a Music Professor is the perfect music mentor mom.

As a lover of music and a critical Iistener, I watched three of Flower Child's videos... "No Fear", "Spadistic Explosion and "Autumn Leaves." These three videos were liked watching three different artist but all with the same signature clear crisp sound, vocals and production. To put it all in perspective, Flower Child saaangs... she raps with a ridiculous flow and plays piano by ear. All ingredients for a dope artist.

As Spring approaches and new opportunities are on the horizon, Flower Child leaves us with these most gracious parting words. "Perfect your craft. Practice. Believe in yourself. Be consistent. Stay active. Workout. Stay humble. Be ascertive. You have to have a team. Always do good business and keep your word."

Follow Flower Child on IG at

Full article can be read in Full Bloom Magazine Issue 21.

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