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Empowering the Youth: The AZIZA PE&CE Journey

In the vibrant realm where passion meets purpose, Saran Fossett founded AZIZA PE&CE in 2008, driven by the desire to transform discrimination into a realm of hope for Baltimore's youth. AZIZA PE&CE, commonly known as "AP," is a non-profit organization with a mission to renew the health and well-being of Black girls and LGBTQ+ youth through instilling Black history & culture, self-love, and solidarity. As the Executive Director and Chief Changemaker, Saran embarked on this journey with a vision to create a glowing arena of hope.

AP utilizes arts, fashion, fitness, music, mentoring, and entertainment as tools to address social, emotional, and cultural aspects of personal development. At the heart of their creative expression is the annual event, STRUT, a fashion show that not only dazzles with its designs but also carries powerful social messages addressing issues like the prison system, racial discrimination, LGBTQ+ discrimination, women's rights, and peer pressure.

For AP, the overarching message and emotion guiding their work is LOVE. LOVE serves as an expression of support, empowerment, encouragement, and advocacy. Love inspires personal accountability, dreaming in spite of adversity, and commitment to civic engagement. "LOVE wins. LOVE never fails!"

Saran Fossett's inspiration for starting AP was rooted in the desire to transform discrimination faced by Baltimore's youth into a vast arena of hope. While not directly influenced by specific artists or influencers, AP admires the advocacy work of Dr. David Johns.

AP's journey is marked by milestones, from starting without funding in 2008 to making history with the presentation of STRUT X at the Hippodrome Theatre in 2023. Notable achievements include receiving funding, taking graduates to Universal Studios, and acquiring the keys to their headquarters.

The creative process at AP involves intentional choices - listening to music, visiting creative spaces, experiencing fun, empowering, and loving things. Overcoming creative blocks involves maintaining a focus on love, purpose, and intentional growth.

Connection to Full Bloom & Advice for Aspiring Artists

The decision to be featured in Full Bloom Magazine stems from the privilege of being featured in the past for STRUT. AP sees a resonance with the Full Bloom audience, filled with creatives, dreamers, and goal-getters, hoping to inspire them to honor their dreams, passion, and purpose.

The advice from AP to aspiring artists is simple yet profound "stay true to yourself, commit to always growing, and maintain integrity. Not all money is good money".

Personal Growth & Goals for the Future

AP acknowledges the need for evolution to make an impact and offer transformative experiences. The commitment to addressing social determinants of health requires openness, innovation, and constant evolution.

Behind the Scenes at STRUT, a beautiful chaos unfolds, filled with love, commitment to excellence, and dedication to expressing the social, political, and emotional conditions addressed throughout the year. AP's goals for personal and professional growth include staying on trend, being innovative, and always evolving.

Their journey, marked by milestones and powered by a commitment to excellence, stands as a testament to the transformative power of creativity, resilience, and love. As AP continues to evolve, their story resonates as an inspiring narrative of renewal, empowerment, and the boundless potential that lies within every soul they touch.

Follow Saran on social media @saran.fossett and iam_azizapece

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Smart Visionary

At Smart Visionary & Co., we believe that creativity is the key to success. As a consultant with experience in brand management, fashion design, and social media marketing, I can help you tell your brand's story in a way that will resonate with your audience. Let's collaborate to unlock your business's full potential!

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